International Lucky Lockdown :-(

In 2019 & 2020, several foreign translations of „Lucky Luke sattelt um“ were published :

– Norge : „Lucky Luke saler om“ – Egmont Kids Media
– Portugal : „Muda de Sela“ – A Seita
– English (digital only) : „Lucky Luke Saddles Up“ – Europe Comics
– Sverige : „Lucky Luke sadlar om“ – Cobolt
– Danmark : „Lucky Luke sadler om“ – Cobolt
– Italia : “ Luky Luke monta in sella“ – Nona Arte
– Nederlanden : „Het stalen ros“ – Lucky Comics

Unfortunately, the Covid-19 lockdown prevented all trips to comic festivals, exhibition openings and book signings. I hope all readers still had a bit of fun with the book and I’ll see you at a later occasion !!!

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